Copper Sulphate

Description : A bright blue triclinic crystal.

Grades Based On Crystal Size:

Grade - I : Big crystals
Bigger than 6mm crystal less than 25 mm

Grade - II : Granular
2mm to 4mm crystals.

Grade - III : Sugar fine crystalline powder
less than 2mm crystalline powder.


Parameters Our Standard
Assay as CuSO4.5H2O %m/m 98.2% m/m min.
Total Copper content as 'Cu' % m/m 25.0% m/m min.
Matter insoluble in water % m/m 0.1% m/m max.
pH of 5% Solution not less than 3.0
Iron as 'Fe' ppm 1000 ppm max.
Lead as 'Pb' ppm 50 ppm max.
Arsenic as 'As' ppm 10 ppm max.
Cadmium as 'Cd' ppm 10 ppm max.
Chloride as 'Cl' ppm 300 ppm max.


  Agriculture: Technical Grade Fungicide used for making of Bordeaux Mixture.

  Industrial: It is largely used as textile mordant and also used in Electoplating and dyes.


LDPE lined HDPE bags of 25 kgs.
As per customer's requirement in bulk bag up to 1 MT in big sacks.